Saturday, January 15, 2011

Can you find my boat mum?

My darling boy (3.5) was quite upset the other day, when on the way out the door to daycare, he realised he couldn't find the boat that goes in the trailer, that goes on the back of one of his off roaders. So being a good mum I promised him that I would turn the toy room inside out until I found it. You have no idea how many toys that boy has! And no joy :(

It was found today though, much to all our relief, now we can stop hearing about it, until it gets misplaced again. Until then it will be taken into every shower or bath and to bed each night, will sit on the table for every meal and probably be in my handbag when we go anywhere else...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Project 52 - Week 1

Love having a waterproof camera, we spend enough time in and around water that it seems to me a pretty good investment.

Love the smile on his face, he's obviously having an awesome time! There was another shot showing a perfect flutter kick, but the smile beats that hands down!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Storey Family Portraits

My friend Sharon had her in-laws here from the UK for a few short weeks and wanted some portraits with everyone. We had a lovely morning down on the Rockingham Foreshore, so many nice spots.

Love this one both ways!

Precious moments

Love this one, with the kids looking in opposite directions :p

One blissed out mummy <3

Pity we couldn't get Cameron in, he wouldn't stop running long enough to lay down :p

Thanks for a gorgeous morning guys!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Brydon's Christening

Brydon, the star of the show.

One of the guests - gorgeous girl
Brydon and his maternal grandmother - Leslie

God parents (godfather holding Brydon), parents (Brad and Jo) and priest.

Baby Brydon, look at those eyes! Looks just like his dad here.
Trent (left) and his friend. Love the contrast ;)
Godparents and the star of the moment

Happy Chappy

Love that smile...

70's retro 'cowch' + adventurous boy = trouble!

At Colonial Brewery during the Cow Parade.

Portrait Photography

My favourite big boy, love you!